Is Stealing a (Mortal) Sin?

So what we are examining in this article here is this: When does stealing actually begin / When does it count as “stealing” before God? What does it mean with God and to God? Is stealing a greater sin than murder or is it perfectly okay? What should I do if I have stolen?

Can Christians Buy Lottery Tickets?

Is a Christian allowed to buy tickets and play the lottery or should he rather not? That is the topic of this article. And as is so often the case, there is no clear answer, since the Bible does not contain a single passage directly about lotteries or even gambling.

Can a Christian Work on Sunday?

The question of working or not working on certain days is a thoroughly important one in the Christian West. In this article we want to ask the question: “May a Christian work on Sunday?”. The reasoning behind the answer is once again more complicated than it first appears.

Does God Forgive Murderers?

This article is about whether or not God forgives murderers and lets them into the Kingdom of Heaven. From a human point of view, this is an absolute no-go; but those who think this way should take a look at their own noses and understand the Good News of Jesus Christ.

Can Alcoholics Go To Heaven?

When we talk about alcoholics, we think of men with long beards, dirty clothes, slurred speech and an acrid stench. People at the end of their existence, dragging their empty bottles to the nearest discount store. Such people can not have earned heaven, right? God must hate such people, right? Do alcoholics go to heaven?