Quotes from the Bible

‘Quarreling’ in the Bible – All 5 Bible Verses / Bible Passages

Here you will find all Bible passages where / in which the word (or term) ‘Quarreling’ occurs and how often this word occurs per biblical book. We searched the New and Old Testaments to really find all the verses and occurrences.

The term ‘Quarreling’ comes from 5 times in the Bible. In the following you will find all relevant Bible passages divided according to the corresponding book. Here are the Bible verses about ‘Quarreling’:

Bible passages with ‘Quarreling’ in Acts

And the next day he appeared to them as they were quarreling with one another, and exhorted them to peace, saying, Husbands, ye are brothers; why do you wrong each other?
Acts 7:26

Scriptures related to Quarreling in the biblical book Acts: 1

Bible passages with ‘Quarreling’ in Deuteronomy / 5. Mose

If two men are quarreling, and one of the women runs to save her husband from the hand of the one who is beating him, and stretches out her hand and seizes him by his private parts,
Deuteronomy / 5. Mose 25:11

Scriptures related to Quarreling in the biblical book Deuteronomy / 5. Mose: 1

Bible passages with ‘Quarreling’ in Exodus / 2. Mose

On the second day he also went out, and behold, two Hebrew men were quarreling with one another, and he said to the guilty man, Why do you strike your neighbor?
Exodus / 2. Mose 2:13

Therefore they quarreled with Moses, saying, Give us water to drink. Moses said to them, Why are you quarreling with me? Why do you tempt the Lord?
Exodus / 2. Mose 17:2

Scriptures related to Quarreling in the biblical book Exodus / 2. Mose: 2

Bible passages with ‘Quarreling’ in Levitikus

Now the son of an Israelite woman, who had an Egyptian father, went in and out among the children of Israel. This son of the Israelite woman and an Israelite were quarreling in the camp.
Levitikus 24:10

Number of the word / term ‘Quarreling’ in Levitikus: 1

These Bible verses are from a 1951 translation of the Royalty Free Schlachter Translation.

Number of Bible verses found on the topic: 5

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