Everyday Questions

Can horoscopes go wrong? (A Christian View)

From a Christian perspective, the idea of horoscopes can be a controversial one. While some may believe that horoscopes can provide insight into the future, many Christians believe that horoscopes are a form of divination, which is forbidden in the Bible. This article will explore the question of whether horoscopes can go wrong from a Christian perspective, looking at the biblical view of divination and the potential dangers of relying on horoscopes.

How Can Horoscopes Go Wrong from a Biblical Perspective?

From a biblical perspective, horoscopes can go wrong in a few different ways. First, the Bible teaches that God is the only one who knows the future, and that no one else can predict it. This means that horoscopes, which are based on astrology, are not reliable sources of information.

Second, the Bible teaches that we should not put our trust in anything other than God. This means that relying on horoscopes to make decisions or to guide our lives is not a wise choice.

Finally, the Bible teaches that we should not be involved in anything that is associated with the occult. Astrology is considered to be a form of the occult, and so horoscopes should be avoided.

In conclusion, horoscopes can go wrong from a biblical perspective because they are not reliable sources of information, they should not be trusted, and they are associated with the occult.

Is It Wrong to Believe in Horoscopes According to Christianity?

It’s totally up to you whether or not you believe in horoscopes. Christianity doesn’t have a clear stance on the matter, so it’s really a personal decision. Some people believe that horoscopes are a form of divination, which is something that the Bible speaks against. Others believe that horoscopes are just a fun way to look at the stars and gain insight into our lives. Ultimately, it’s up to you to decide what you believe and how you want to interpret horoscopes.

What Does the Bible Say About Horoscopes and Astrology?

The Bible doesn’t explicitly mention horoscopes or astrology, but it does have a lot to say about the spiritual practices that are often associated with them. In Deuteronomy 18:10-12, God warns us against consulting mediums and spiritists, which are often associated with astrology and horoscopes. He also tells us to stay away from those who practice divination, which is the practice of trying to predict the future by interpreting signs and omens.

The Bible also tells us to put our trust in God, not in the stars or other supernatural forces. In Isaiah 47:13-14, God says, “You are wearied in the multitude of your counsels; let now the astrologers, the stargazers, the monthly prognosticators, stand up, and save you from these things that shall come upon you.” In other words, God is telling us that we should not rely on astrologers or stargazers to save us from our troubles.

Ultimately, the Bible teaches us that we should put our faith in God and not in the stars or other supernatural forces. We should seek God’s guidance and wisdom, not the advice of astrologers or horoscopes.

How Can We Discern Between Good and Bad Horoscopes from a Christian Perspective?

From a Christian perspective, discerning between good and bad horoscopes can be tricky. After all, the Bible tells us that astrology is wrong and that we should not be consulting the stars for guidance. However, there are some ways to tell the difference between good and bad horoscopes.

First, it’s important to look at the source of the horoscope. If it’s coming from a reputable source, such as a professional astrologer or a well-known website, then it’s likely to be more accurate and trustworthy. On the other hand, if it’s coming from an unknown source, it’s best to be wary.

Second, pay attention to the language used in the horoscope. If it’s full of vague, general statements that could apply to anyone, then it’s probably not very reliable. Good horoscopes should be specific and tailored to the individual.

Finally, consider the advice given in the horoscope. If it’s encouraging you to do something that goes against your Christian values, then it’s probably not a good horoscope. Good horoscopes should provide helpful advice that is in line with your faith.

By following these tips, you should be able to discern between good and bad horoscopes from a Christian perspective.


In conclusion, it is clear that from a Christian perspective, horoscopes should not be trusted as they are based on superstition and false beliefs. The Bible teaches us that God is the only one who knows the future and that we should not put our trust in anything else. Therefore, it is important to remember that horoscopes can never be accurate and should not be relied upon.

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