Proverbs, Wisdom and Quotes

37 Christian Quotes for My Husband

Here you will find 37 Christian Quotes for My Husband. These christian quotes have been chosen to cover different aspects and scenarios of the topic. We made this selection so that everyone has a good place to start for christian Quotes for My Husband has. Which line works best for you is up to your gut. And now wish you much inspiration with our small selection.

Christian Quotes for My Husband

Only those who believe in miracles experience miracles.Erich Kästner

He who acquires understanding loves his soul; he who keeps reason finds good things.Bible

Happiness is being loved as God created you.

Do not be afraid, but speak and do not be silent! For I am with you, and no one shall dare to harm you.Acts 18:9-10

Truly I say to you, whoever says to this mountain, ‘Rise up and throw yourself into the sea!’, and will not doubt in his heart, but will believe that what he says will happen, it will happen to him.Markus 11:23

Mountains shall give way and hills shall fall; but my grace shall not depart from you, neither shall the covenant of my peace fail.Isaiah 54:10

Living spiritually means living a life in harmony with divine love.Betina Graf

For the Lord commanded his angels to guard you in all your ways.Psalm 91:11

The spiritual is expressed in the face.Sören Kierkegaard

You can’t stop the waves, but you can learn to surf.Jon Kabat-Zinn

God is love; and whoever remains in love remains in God and God in him.1. John 4:16

But we know that all things work together for good to those who love God.Romans 8:28a

And every tongue confesses that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.Philippians 2:11

Coincidences are unforeseen events that make sense.Diogenes

You make known to me the way of life: joy is fullness before you, and delight at your right hand forever.Psalm 16:11

Let my grace be enough for you, for my strength is made perfect in weakness.2. Corinthians 12:9

A drop of love is worth more than a sack full of gold.Friedrich von Bodelschwingh

He who sows iniquity will reap disaster, and the rod of his pride is ready.Bible

wait for the LORD! Be of good courage and courage, and wait for the LORD!Psalm 27:14

So your heavenly Father does not want any of these little ones to perish.Matthew 18:14

Lord, you know everything; you know that I love you.John 21:17b

Do not judge, lest you be judged.Matthew 7:1

Behold, I will bring relief and healing to her, and I will heal her and reveal to her an abundance of peace and faithfulness.Jeremiah 33:6

Ask and it will be given to you; seek, then you will find; knock and it will be opened to you.Matthew 7:7

He, God, will cover you with his wings and you will have refuge under his wingsPsalm 91:4

Man’s only real enemy is his own negative thoughtsAlbert Einstein.

you have no soul you are a soul You have a body.CS Lewis

Problems are God’s message that you can still grow.

For in Christ Jesus neither circumcision nor uncircumcision has any power, but faith working through love.Galatians 5:6

Trust is like a piece of paper: once it’s crumpled up, it’ll never be perfect again.

The Lord is my light and my salvation; whom should I fear?Psalm 27:1

Whoever gives well will be refreshed, and whoever drinks well will also be watered.Proverbs 11:25

Because you are dear in my sight and glorious and I love you.Isaiah 43:4

But all those who want to live a godly life in Christ Jesus will be persecuted.2. Timothy 3:12

I want to bless you and you shall be a blessing.1. Book of Moses 12:2

The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want.Psalm 23:1

Everyone is like a moon: they have a dark side that they don’t show to anyone.Mark Twain

Thank you for reading this everyone is like a moon: they have a dark side that they don’t show to anyone. to this point. Any text can build you up inside and bring you (closer) to God. Trust in the Holy Spirit.

Be that as it may, God is just a prayer away!

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