Everyday Questions

Does my husband come before God?

Does my husband come before God? This is a question that many married couples struggle with, as it can be difficult to balance the demands of marriage and faith. This article will explore the various aspects of this question, including the importance of faith in marriage, the role of the husband in a marriage, and the importance of putting God first in all aspects of life. We will also look at how couples can work together to ensure that their faith and marriage are both strong and healthy.

How to Balance Your Relationship with God and Your Spouse

Balancing your relationship with God and your spouse can be a tricky task, but it is possible! Here are some tips to help you keep both relationships healthy and strong:

1. Make time for both. It’s important to make time for both your relationship with God and your relationship with your spouse. Make sure to set aside time each day to spend with God in prayer and Bible study, and also make sure to set aside time each day to spend with your spouse.

2. Communicate. Communication is key in any relationship, and it’s especially important in your relationship with God and your spouse. Make sure to talk to both God and your spouse about your feelings, needs, and concerns.

3. Be honest. Honesty is essential in both relationships. Be honest with God about your struggles and your doubts, and be honest with your spouse about your feelings and needs.

4. Show love. Showing love to both God and your spouse is important. Show your love for God by following His commands and living a life of faith. Show your love for your spouse by being kind, patient, and understanding.

5. Pray together. Praying together is a great way to strengthen both your relationship with God and your relationship with your spouse. Pray for each other, for your marriage, and for your family.

By following these tips, you can keep both your relationship with God and your relationship with your spouse healthy and strong.

What Does the Bible Say About Putting Your Spouse Before God?

The Bible doesn’t explicitly say that you should put your spouse before God, but it does emphasize the importance of marriage and the need to prioritize your relationship with your spouse. In Ephesians 5:22-33, Paul encourages husbands and wives to love and respect each other, and to prioritize their relationship. He also says that marriage is a reflection of the relationship between Christ and the church.

At the same time, the Bible is clear that God should always be our top priority. Jesus said in Matthew 6:33, “But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you.” This means that we should always strive to put God first in our lives, and that our relationship with Him should be our top priority.

Ultimately, it’s important to remember that God should always be our top priority, but that doesn’t mean that we should neglect our relationships with our spouses. We should strive to prioritize both our relationship with God and our relationship with our spouse.

Exploring the Pros and Cons of Putting Your Spouse Before God

When it comes to relationships, it can be difficult to know where to draw the line between putting your spouse before God and putting God first. On the one hand, it’s important to prioritize your spouse and show them love and respect. On the other hand, it’s essential to keep God at the center of your life and relationship. So, what are the pros and cons of putting your spouse before God?


One of the main benefits of putting your spouse before God is that it can help to strengthen your relationship. When you prioritize your spouse, it shows them that you care and that you’re willing to make sacrifices for them. This can help to build trust and create a deeper connection between the two of you.

Another pro is that it can help to create a sense of unity in your relationship. When you put your spouse first, it can help to create a sense of “us” instead of “me”. This can help to create a stronger bond between the two of you and make it easier to work through any issues that arise.


One of the main drawbacks of putting your spouse before God is that it can lead to a lack of spiritual growth. When you prioritize your spouse over God, it can be easy to forget about your spiritual needs and neglect your relationship with God. This can lead to a lack of spiritual growth and can make it difficult to stay connected to God.

Another con is that it can lead to a sense of imbalance in your relationship. When you put your spouse before God, it can create an unhealthy dynamic in which one person is always in control. This can lead to feelings of resentment and can make it difficult to maintain a healthy relationship.

Ultimately, it’s important to find a balance between putting your spouse before God and putting God first. It’s important to prioritize your spouse and show them love and respect, but it’s also essential to keep God at the center of your life and relationship. By finding a balance between the two, you can create a strong and healthy relationship with both your spouse and God.

How to Find a Healthy Balance Between Your Spouse and God in Your Marriage

Finding a healthy balance between your spouse and God in your marriage is essential for a successful and fulfilling relationship. It can be difficult to prioritize both your spouse and your faith, but it is possible to create a balance that works for both of you. Here are some tips to help you find a healthy balance between your spouse and God in your marriage:

1. Make time for both. It’s important to make time for both your spouse and your faith. Make sure to set aside time each day to spend with your spouse and to pray or read the Bible. This will help you stay connected to both your spouse and your faith.

2. Talk about your faith. Discussing your faith with your spouse can help you both understand each other’s beliefs and values. This can help you create a stronger bond and a better understanding of each other.

3. Attend church together. Going to church together can be a great way to strengthen your faith and your relationship. It can also be a great way to meet other couples who share your beliefs.

4. Pray together. Praying together can be a great way to stay connected to each other and to God. It can also help you both stay focused on your faith and your relationship.

5. Spend quality time together. Spending quality time together is essential for any relationship. Make sure to set aside time each week to do something special with your spouse. This could be anything from going out to dinner to taking a walk together.

Finding a healthy balance between your spouse and God in your marriage is possible. It just takes a little effort and dedication. With these tips, you can create a balance that works for both of you and helps you stay connected to each other and to God.


The answer to this question is ultimately up to each individual and their own personal beliefs. Ultimately, it is important to remember that God should always come first in our lives, and that our relationships with our spouses should be based on mutual respect and love. Ultimately, it is important to remember that God should always be the center of our lives, and that our relationships with our spouses should be based on honoring and loving God first and foremost.

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