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How Orthodox Make The Sign Of The Cross

The Orthodox Christian tradition places great importance on the sign of the cross, considering it a powerful symbol of faith and a means of invoking God’s presence and protection. The way Orthodox believers make the sign of the cross is a distinctive and significant practice within their worship and daily lives.

The Symbolism Behind the Orthodox Sign of the Cross

The Sign of the Cross is a common gesture used by Orthodox Christians during prayer and worship. It involves making a specific motion with the hand, touching the forehead, chest, and both shoulders. While this gesture may seem simple, it holds deep symbolism and meaning for Orthodox believers.

The Sign of the Cross is a way for Orthodox Christians to express their faith and devotion to God. It is a physical act that helps to focus the mind and bring a sense of reverence to prayer. By making the sign, believers are reminded of the presence of God and the sacrifice of Jesus Christ.

The motion of the Sign of the Cross is also significant. It begins by touching the forehead, symbolizing the mind and thoughts. This gesture serves as a reminder to bring one’s thoughts under the authority of God and to seek His wisdom and guidance in all things. It is a way of acknowledging that God is the source of all knowledge and understanding.

The next part of the motion involves touching the chest, representing the heart and emotions. This gesture is a reminder to bring one’s emotions and desires under the control of God. It is an acknowledgment that God’s love and grace should guide and shape one’s feelings and passions. By touching the chest, believers are reminded to love God with all their heart and to love others as themselves.

The final part of the motion involves touching both shoulders, symbolizing the body and actions. This gesture serves as a reminder to offer one’s whole self to God and to live in obedience to His commandments. By touching the shoulders, believers are reminded to take up their cross and follow Christ, imitating His example of selfless love and service.

The Sign of the Cross is also a way for Orthodox Christians to affirm their belief in the Holy Trinity. As believers make the sign, they say, “In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.” This declaration acknowledges the three persons of the Trinity and affirms their unity and equality. It is a way of proclaiming one’s faith in the triune God and inviting His presence and blessing.

In addition to its symbolism, the Sign of the Cross is also a powerful spiritual weapon against evil. Orthodox believers believe that making the sign with faith and reverence can protect them from harm and ward off demonic influences. It is a way of invoking the power and protection of God in the face of spiritual battles.

The Sign of the Cross is a cherished tradition in the Orthodox Church, passed down through generations of believers. It is a simple yet profound gesture that carries deep meaning and symbolism. By making the sign, Orthodox Christians express their faith, affirm their belief in the Holy Trinity, and seek God’s presence and protection. It is a powerful reminder of God’s love and grace and a way to bring one’s whole self into communion with Him.

Step-by-Step Guide: How to Properly Make the Sign of the Cross in the Orthodox Tradition

How Orthodox Make The Sign Of The Cross
The sign of the cross is a common gesture in many Christian traditions, including the Orthodox Church. It is a simple yet powerful act that holds deep meaning for believers. If you are new to the Orthodox faith or simply curious about this practice, this step-by-step guide will help you understand how to properly make the sign of the cross in the Orthodox tradition.

To begin, it is important to note that the Orthodox way of making the sign of the cross differs slightly from other Christian traditions. Instead of moving from left to right, as is commonly seen in Western Christianity, Orthodox believers move from right to left. This is because the right side is considered to be the side of honor and blessing.

To start, bring your right hand to your forehead, touching your fingertips together. This represents the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, the three persons of the Holy Trinity. As you do this, say silently or aloud, “In the name of the Father.”

Next, move your hand down to your stomach or chest, crossing from right to left. This represents the incarnation of Christ, who came down from heaven to dwell among us. As you do this, say, “and of the Son.”

After crossing your chest, move your hand from your right shoulder to your left shoulder, again crossing from right to left. This represents the work of the Holy Spirit, who proceeds from the Father and the Son. As you do this, say, “and of the Holy Spirit.”

Finally, bring your hand back to your chest, touching your fingertips together once more. This represents the unity of the Holy Trinity. As you do this, say, “Amen,” which means “so be it” or “let it be.”

It is important to note that the sign of the cross is not simply a physical gesture, but a prayer in itself. It is a way for believers to express their faith and seek the blessings of God. When making the sign of the cross, it is helpful to do so with reverence and intention, focusing on the meaning behind the gesture.

In addition to the basic steps outlined above, there are variations in how the sign of the cross is made in different Orthodox traditions. Some believers may touch their right shoulder before their left, while others may touch their left shoulder before their right. These variations are not essential to the practice and can vary from person to person or region to region.

Making the sign of the cross is a personal and meaningful act for Orthodox believers. It is a way to connect with God and seek His blessings. Whether you are new to the Orthodox faith or simply curious about this practice, understanding the steps and meaning behind the sign of the cross can deepen your appreciation for this ancient tradition. So, the next time you see an Orthodox believer making the sign of the cross, you will have a better understanding of the significance behind this simple yet profound act of faith.

Exploring the Historical Origins of the Orthodox Sign of the Cross

The sign of the cross is a common gesture in many Christian traditions, including the Orthodox Church. It is a simple yet powerful act that holds deep meaning for believers. But have you ever wondered about the historical origins of this sacred gesture? In this article, we will explore the fascinating history behind how Orthodox Christians make the sign of the cross.

The sign of the cross is believed to have its roots in the early days of Christianity. It is said to have been passed down from the apostles themselves, making it a cherished tradition within the Orthodox Church. The gesture involves touching the forehead, chest, and both shoulders while saying, “In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, Amen.”

The specific way in which Orthodox Christians make the sign of the cross is significant. It differs from other Christian traditions in that it starts from the right shoulder and then moves to the left. This is believed to symbolize the thief on the right side of Christ during his crucifixion, who repented and was promised paradise. By starting on the right, Orthodox Christians are reminded of the hope of salvation and the promise of eternal life.

Another unique aspect of the Orthodox sign of the cross is the use of three fingers. The thumb, index, and middle fingers are held together, representing the Holy Trinity – Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. The ring finger and pinky are folded down, symbolizing the two natures of Christ – fully human and fully divine. This intricate hand gesture is a visual representation of Orthodox theology and serves as a constant reminder of the central beliefs of the faith.

The act of making the sign of the cross is not limited to specific moments or occasions within Orthodox worship. It is a gesture that is incorporated into various aspects of daily life. Orthodox Christians make the sign of the cross when entering or leaving a church, before and after prayer, and even during moments of temptation or struggle. It is a way of invoking God’s presence and seeking His protection and guidance.

The sign of the cross is also deeply connected to the Orthodox understanding of icons. Icons are considered windows into the heavenly realm, and when Orthodox Christians venerate an icon, they make the sign of the cross as a sign of reverence. This act of crossing oneself before an icon is a way of acknowledging the sacredness of the image and the presence of the divine.

In conclusion, the sign of the cross holds great significance within the Orthodox Church. Its historical origins can be traced back to the early days of Christianity, and it is believed to have been passed down from the apostles themselves. The specific way in which Orthodox Christians make the sign of the cross, starting from the right shoulder and using three fingers, carries deep theological symbolism. It is a gesture that is incorporated into various aspects of daily life and serves as a constant reminder of the central beliefs of the faith. So, the next time you see an Orthodox Christian making the sign of the cross, you will have a deeper understanding of the rich history and meaning behind this sacred act.

The Sign of the Cross in Orthodox Worship: Its Role and Importance

The Sign of the Cross is a fundamental and deeply meaningful gesture in Orthodox worship. It is a physical expression of faith and a way to invoke the presence and blessings of God. The Orthodox tradition places great importance on this act, and it is performed by both clergy and laity alike.

To make the Sign of the Cross, one begins by touching the forehead, then moves down to the chest, and then from the right shoulder to the left. This motion forms the shape of a cross, symbolizing the crucifixion of Jesus Christ. The right hand is used, as it is considered the hand of blessing and power.

The Sign of the Cross is not a mere ritual or empty gesture. It is a prayer in itself, a way to affirm one’s faith and seek God’s protection and guidance. When making the Sign of the Cross, Orthodox Christians often say a short prayer, such as “In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.” This prayer acknowledges the Holy Trinity and invites God’s presence into the moment.

The Sign of the Cross is performed at various times during Orthodox worship. It is customary to make the Sign of the Cross when entering and leaving the church, as a way to acknowledge the sacred space and seek God’s blessings. It is also done at the beginning and end of prayers, as a way to consecrate the words spoken and connect with the divine.

In addition to these regular occasions, the Sign of the Cross is made at specific moments during the Divine Liturgy, the central worship service in Orthodox Christianity. For example, when the Gospel is read, the congregation makes the Sign of the Cross on their foreheads, lips, and hearts, symbolizing their desire to receive the Word of God and keep it in their minds, on their lips, and in their hearts.

The Sign of the Cross is not limited to formal worship settings. Orthodox Christians are encouraged to make the Sign of the Cross throughout their daily lives, as a way to sanctify their actions and seek God’s presence in all things. It can be done before meals, before important decisions, or in times of distress or temptation. By making the Sign of the Cross, Orthodox believers affirm their faith and invite God’s grace into every aspect of their lives.

The Sign of the Cross is a unifying gesture in Orthodox worship. It is a visible expression of the shared faith and devotion of the community. When everyone in the church makes the Sign of the Cross together, it creates a sense of unity and harmony, reminding believers that they are part of a larger body of Christ.

In conclusion, the Sign of the Cross holds great significance in Orthodox worship. It is a prayerful gesture that symbolizes the crucifixion of Jesus Christ and invites God’s presence and blessings. It is performed at various times during worship and throughout daily life, serving as a constant reminder of one’s faith and a way to seek God’s guidance and protection. The Sign of the Cross is a unifying act that brings Orthodox believers together in their shared devotion and love for God.


In conclusion, Orthodox Christians make the sign of the cross by touching their forehead, chest, right shoulder, and left shoulder while saying the words “In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.” This gesture is a significant and common practice in Orthodox worship, symbolizing the belief in the Holy Trinity and invoking God’s presence and blessings.

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