Everyday Questions

Should a wife put her husband before God?

The question of whether a wife should put her husband before God is a complex one that has been debated for centuries. It is a difficult question to answer because it involves a delicate balance between honoring God and honoring one’s spouse. On the one hand, the Bible clearly states that we should love God above all else. On the other hand, the Bible also speaks of the importance of honoring one’s spouse. In this article, we will explore both sides of the argument and examine the implications of putting one’s husband before God. We will also look at how this decision can affect a marriage and the relationship between a husband and wife.

The Bible’s Perspective on Putting Husbands Before God

When it comes to putting husbands before God, the Bible has a clear perspective. In Ephesians 5:22-33, Paul writes that wives should submit to their husbands as they would to the Lord. This doesn’t mean that wives should put their husbands before God, but rather that they should respect and honor their husbands in the same way they would honor God.

The Bible also teaches that husbands should love their wives as Christ loves the church. This means that husbands should put their wives’ needs before their own and treat them with respect and kindness. This is a far cry from putting husbands before God.

Ultimately, the Bible teaches that we should put God first in our lives. He should be our highest priority and the source of our strength and guidance. We should strive to honor and obey Him in all that we do.

At the same time, the Bible also teaches us to love and respect our spouses. We should strive to put their needs before our own and treat them with kindness and respect. This doesn’t mean that we should put our husbands before God, but rather that we should strive to honor and love them in the same way we honor and love God.

The Impact of Putting Husbands Before God on Marital Relationships

When it comes to marriage, it’s important to remember that God should always come first. Putting your husband before God can have a negative impact on your relationship.

When you put your husband before God, you’re essentially saying that your husband is more important than God. This can lead to a lack of trust in your relationship, as you’re not trusting God to provide for you and your husband. It can also lead to a lack of respect for your husband, as you’re not respecting God’s authority over your marriage.

When you put your husband before God, you’re also putting your own needs and desires before God’s. This can lead to selfishness and a lack of humility in your relationship. You may also find yourself making decisions based on what you want, rather than what God wants. This can lead to a lack of unity in your marriage, as you’re not following God’s plan for your relationship.

Finally, when you put your husband before God, you’re not allowing God to be the center of your marriage. This can lead to a lack of spiritual growth in your relationship, as you’re not allowing God to be the source of your strength and guidance.

Ultimately, putting your husband before God can have a negative impact on your marriage. It’s important to remember that God should always come first in your relationship. When you put God first, you’re allowing Him to be the center of your marriage and you’re allowing Him to provide for you and your husband. This will lead to a stronger, healthier relationship.

Exploring the Pros and Cons of Putting Husbands Before God

When it comes to the question of whether husbands should be put before God, it’s a tricky one. On the one hand, it’s important to honor and respect your spouse, and to put their needs and wants before your own. On the other hand, it’s also important to remember that God should always come first.

Let’s take a look at the pros and cons of putting husbands before God.


One of the main benefits of putting your husband before God is that it can help to strengthen your marriage. When you prioritize your spouse’s needs and wants, it can help to create a stronger bond between the two of you. It can also help to create a sense of security and trust in the relationship.

Another benefit is that it can help to create a sense of unity in the marriage. When you put your husband before God, it can help to create a sense of unity and understanding between the two of you. This can help to create a stronger bond and a more harmonious relationship.


One of the main drawbacks of putting your husband before God is that it can lead to a lack of spiritual growth. When you prioritize your spouse’s needs and wants over your own spiritual growth, it can lead to a lack of spiritual growth and development. This can lead to a lack of connection with God and a lack of spiritual fulfillment.

Another potential downside is that it can lead to a lack of respect for God. When you prioritize your spouse’s needs and wants over God’s, it can lead to a lack of respect for God and His Word. This can lead to a lack of faith and a lack of understanding of God’s will.

Ultimately, it’s important to remember that God should always come first. While it’s important to honor and respect your spouse, it’s also important to remember that God should always be put first in your life. When you prioritize your relationship with God, it can help to create a stronger bond between the two of you and can lead to a more fulfilling and meaningful marriage.

Examining the Role of Faith in a Marriage When a Wife Puts Her Husband Before God

When a wife puts her husband before God, it can be a difficult situation for both the wife and the husband. It can be a source of tension in the marriage, as the wife may feel that she is not honoring her faith and the husband may feel that he is not being respected.

The role of faith in a marriage is an important one, and it is important to remember that faith is not just about following a set of rules or beliefs. It is also about having a relationship with God and understanding that He is the ultimate authority in our lives. When a wife puts her husband before God, it can be a sign that she is not honoring her faith and that she is not allowing God to be the center of her marriage.

It is important for both the wife and the husband to talk openly and honestly about their faith and how it affects their marriage. It is also important to remember that faith is not a competition between the two of them. Both the wife and the husband should be able to express their faith and beliefs without feeling judged or criticized.

It is also important to remember that faith is not a one-way street. Both the wife and the husband should be willing to listen to each other and to learn from each other. This can help to create a stronger bond between the two of them and can help to strengthen their faith.

Finally, it is important to remember that faith is not something that can be forced on someone. It is something that must be chosen and embraced by both the wife and the husband. If the wife is putting her husband before God, it is important to talk to her about why she is doing this and to help her to understand that faith is something that should be shared between the two of them.


In conclusion, it is ultimately up to the wife to decide whether or not she should put her husband before God. While it is important to prioritize relationships, it is also important to remember that God should always come first. Ultimately, it is important to find a balance between honoring God and honoring one’s spouse.

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