Everyday Questions

Will God change my wife’s heart?

Will God change my wife’s heart? This is a question that many people have asked themselves when faced with a difficult marriage. It is a difficult question to answer, as it depends on many factors. However, it is possible to look at the Bible and other sources to gain insight into how God may work in a marriage. This article will explore the various ways in which God may be able to change a person’s heart, and how to pray for such a change. It will also discuss the importance of patience and faith when it comes to trusting in God’s plan for a marriage.

How to Pray for Your Wife’s Heart to be Changed by God

Praying for your wife’s heart to be changed by God is a powerful way to show your love and support for her. Here are some tips to help you pray for your wife’s heart to be changed by God:

1. Pray for her to have a closer relationship with God. Ask God to give her a desire to seek Him and to draw closer to Him. Pray that she will be open to hearing His voice and that she will be obedient to His will.

2. Pray for her to have a renewed mind. Ask God to help her to think more clearly and to make wise decisions. Pray that she will be able to discern truth from lies and that she will be able to make decisions that are in line with God’s will.

3. Pray for her to have a softened heart. Ask God to help her to be more compassionate and understanding. Pray that she will be able to forgive those who have hurt her and that she will be able to show mercy and grace to others.

4. Pray for her to have a strengthened faith. Ask God to help her to trust Him more and to have faith in His promises. Pray that she will be able to stand firm in her faith even when times are tough.

5. Pray for her to have a renewed spirit. Ask God to fill her with His Holy Spirit and to give her a new sense of purpose and direction. Pray that she will be able to find joy and peace in her life.

Praying for your wife’s heart to be changed by God is a powerful way to show your love and support for her. May God bless you both as you seek Him together.

How to Recognize When God is Changing Your Wife’s Heart

Recognizing when God is changing your wife’s heart can be a difficult task, but it is possible. Here are a few signs that may indicate that God is at work in her life:

1. She is more open to spiritual conversations. If your wife is suddenly more willing to talk about spiritual matters, it could be a sign that God is working in her heart.

2. She is more willing to forgive. If your wife is more willing to forgive you and others, it could be a sign that God is changing her heart.

3. She is more generous. If your wife is more generous with her time, money, and resources, it could be a sign that God is changing her heart.

4. She is more patient. If your wife is more patient with you and others, it could be a sign that God is changing her heart.

5. She is more loving. If your wife is more loving and kind to you and others, it could be a sign that God is changing her heart.

These are just a few signs that may indicate that God is changing your wife’s heart. If you notice any of these signs, take it as a sign that God is at work in her life and be encouraged!

What the Bible Says About God Changing Hearts

The Bible is full of stories about God changing hearts. From the Old Testament to the New Testament, we see God working in people’s lives to bring about transformation. In the Old Testament, we see God changing the heart of Pharaoh in the book of Exodus. Pharaoh was a powerful ruler who refused to let the Israelites go, but God softened his heart and allowed them to leave.

In the New Testament, we see God changing the heart of Saul, who was persecuting Christians. God spoke to Saul on the road to Damascus and changed his heart. Saul became Paul, a great evangelist and missionary.

The Bible also tells us that God can change our hearts. In Ezekiel 36:26, God says, “I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit in you; I will remove from you your heart of stone and give you a heart of flesh.” God can take away our hard hearts and give us hearts that are open to Him.

God can also change our desires. In Psalm 37:4, it says, “Delight yourself in the Lord and he will give you the desires of your heart.” When we focus on God and His will for our lives, He can change our desires to align with His will.

God is in the business of changing hearts. He can take away our hard hearts and give us hearts that are open to Him. He can also change our desires to align with His will. If you’re looking for a change in your life, turn to God and ask Him to work in your heart. He is faithful and will answer your prayer.

How to Support Your Wife During a Heart Change from God

If your wife is going through a heart change from God, it can be a difficult and emotional time for her. As her husband, you can be a great source of support and encouragement during this time. Here are some ways you can help your wife through her heart change:

1. Pray for her. Pray for her to have strength and courage to follow God’s will for her life. Pray for her to have peace and understanding as she navigates this new path.

2. Listen to her. Let her talk about her feelings and experiences. Ask her questions and be an active listener.

3. Encourage her. Remind her of her strengths and the good things God is doing in her life. Let her know that you are proud of her and that you believe in her.

4. Spend time with her. Spend quality time together doing things she enjoys. This will help her to relax and feel supported.

5. Be patient. Understand that this is a process and it may take time for her to adjust to the changes.

By supporting your wife during this time, you can help her to feel loved and encouraged as she follows God’s will for her life.


In conclusion, it is impossible to know whether or not God will change your wife’s heart. Ultimately, it is up to her to decide if she wants to change and it is up to you to be patient and supportive as she makes her decision. Ultimately, it is important to remember that God works in mysterious ways and that He may be working in your wife’s heart in ways that you cannot see.

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