Fundamentals of Christianity

Characteristics And Facts Of Simon Peter

Here you will find a profile of the apostle Simon Peter. It contains all the important data and facts about the most important disciple of Jesus. Since the most important source – the Bible – does not provide information about everything we want to know, this overview also includes information that comes from (Catholic) tradition and other traditions.

Characteristics And Facts Of Simon Peter

NameSimon Peter
EpithetPetrus (or Petros)
“The Rock”
NicknamesApostle Peter
Saint Peter
Appointment“Fishers of men” and church leaders
Place of birthUnknown
Year of deathprobably ca. 65-67 AD
Died inRom
Reason for deathCrucifixion (also in Rome)
Significance for ChristianityPeter plays an important role among the early disciples of Jesus in the New Testament and is considered one of the defining figures of Christianity.
Bible verse of the first appearanceMatthew 4:18
Bible passage on Peter’s deathPeter’s death is not mentioned in the Bible.
Character traitsImpulsive
Number of childrenUnknown
(name of wife unknown)
Significant eventsCalling through Jesus Christ personally
Participation in the Last Supper
Denial of Jesus
Witness of the resurrection of Jesus Christ
Founding of the Christian community in Rome
Most important personal writings1 & 2 Peter’s letter
Today’s tombVatican hill
“Function” in the Catholic ChurchJesus’ First Vicar on Earth
Patron saint forFishermen
(against) diseases and fever
Name dayJune 29
Called to be a follower of Jesus in the year…30 AD
Important office in the Catholic ChurchFirst pope
SymbolKey (for the gate to the Kingdom of Heaven)
Most famous quote“You have to obey God more than you obey people.”

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