How To Remember Bible Verses

Having Bible verses ready in everyday life helps to remember and apply the Word of God again and again. The only problem is that it is not easy to remember the verses. Therefore I want to help you to answer the following question: What is the best way to memorize Bible verses?

How To Ask God For Advice

Here you will find a small guide how you can ask God for advice and how you can get or interpret an answer. We have divided the individual steps in such a way that you can make these sometime simply from the head. Please also pay attention to the hints at the end.

How To Ask Jesus For Forgiveness

In this article you will find instructions on how to ask Jesus (i.e. God) for forgiveness and to give up your sins. The most important thing, as with many things about Jesus, is this: It is not so much the deeds that count. What matters is the inner attitude towards the deed and towards Jesus.

How Should We Thank God?

Maybe you know this: You prayed for something that was very urgent and your prayer was answered. Or you simply asked Jesus for help, and somehow you got it? In such moments the Lord is full of gratitude.

How Do You Pray In Church?

Prayer is one of the most important means of a believer to talk to God. Praying in one’s own home is rarely a problem – but how about in a building dedicated to God? What do I need to consider in order to pray in a church? Are there certain rituals to observe? How should I behave?

How To Contact God

In this article, I would like to give you (simple) steps on how to answer the question for yourself: “How do I get in contact with God?”. Here we’ll show you 2 simple ways. But first, let’s start with a little theology and see what the biblical principles are: