Everyday Questions

Does the church support polygamy?

Polygamy is a controversial topic in many religious circles, and the church’s stance on the practice is often unclear. This article will explore the various views of the church on polygamy, and how it has evolved over time. We will look at the history of polygamy in the church, the current stance of the church on the practice, and the implications of the church’s stance on the issue. We will also discuss the potential benefits and drawbacks of polygamy, and how it might be viewed in a modern context. Finally, we will consider the implications of the church’s stance on polygamy for those who practice it.

The Bible’s Stance on Polygamy: What Does the Church Say?

The Bible does not explicitly forbid polygamy, but it does not condone it either. The Church has traditionally taken a stance against polygamy, as it is seen as a violation of the biblical principle of monogamy. The Church believes that marriage is a sacred covenant between one man and one woman, and that any other arrangement is not in accordance with God’s plan.

The Church also believes that polygamy can lead to a number of negative consequences, such as jealousy, competition, and unequal treatment of spouses. It can also lead to a breakdown in communication and trust between spouses, as well as a lack of commitment to the marriage.

Ultimately, the Church believes that marriage should be a loving, committed relationship between two people, and that any other arrangement is not in accordance with God’s plan.

Exploring the Pros and Cons of Polygamy from a Christian Perspective

When it comes to the topic of polygamy, it can be a difficult one to discuss from a Christian perspective. On the one hand, it is seen as a violation of the traditional Christian view of marriage, which is between one man and one woman. On the other hand, there are some who argue that polygamy can be a valid form of marriage in certain circumstances. In this article, we will explore the pros and cons of polygamy from a Christian perspective.

The Pros

One of the main arguments in favor of polygamy from a Christian perspective is that it can provide a stable and loving home for children who may not have one otherwise. In some cases, a single parent may not be able to provide the same level of care and support that a two-parent household can. In these cases, polygamy can provide a way for children to have two parents who can provide for them.

Another argument in favor of polygamy is that it can provide a way for people to form strong and lasting relationships. In some cases, polygamy can provide a way for people to form a strong bond with multiple partners, which can be beneficial for all involved.

The Cons

One of the main arguments against polygamy from a Christian perspective is that it can lead to a breakdown in traditional family values. In some cases, polygamy can lead to a situation where the traditional roles of husband and wife are blurred, which can lead to confusion and conflict.

Another argument against polygamy is that it can lead to a situation where one partner is favored over the others. This can lead to feelings of jealousy and resentment, which can be damaging to the relationships involved.

Finally, polygamy can also lead to a situation where the rights of women are not respected. In some cases, polygamy can lead to a situation where women are treated as second-class citizens, which is not in line with traditional Christian values.


At the end of the day, the decision to engage in polygamy is a personal one. It is important to weigh the pros and cons carefully before making a decision. Ultimately, it is up to each individual to decide what is best for them and their family.

How Does the Church Respond to Polygamy in Modern Society?

The Church’s response to polygamy in modern society is clear: it is not condoned. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS) has a long-standing policy of not allowing members to practice polygamy. This policy is based on the teachings of Jesus Christ, which emphasize the importance of marriage between one man and one woman.

The Church recognizes that polygamy is a complex issue and that it is practiced in some cultures. However, the Church does not condone it and does not allow its members to practice it. The Church teaches that marriage is a sacred covenant between one man and one woman, and that any other form of marriage is not in harmony with God’s plan.

The Church also recognizes that polygamy can have a negative impact on individuals and families. It can lead to abuse, exploitation, and other forms of harm. The Church encourages its members to be compassionate and understanding towards those who practice polygamy, while also standing firm in its opposition to the practice.

The Church also works to provide resources and support to those who have been affected by polygamy. This includes providing counseling and other forms of assistance to those who have been hurt by the practice.

Ultimately, the Church’s response to polygamy in modern society is clear: it is not condoned. The Church encourages its members to be compassionate and understanding towards those who practice polygamy, while also standing firm in its opposition to the practice.

Examining the Impact of Polygamy on the Church and Its Members

Polygamy has been a controversial topic in the Church for many years. While it is not widely practiced today, it has had a significant impact on the Church and its members.

For starters, polygamy has caused a great deal of division within the Church. Those who practice it are often seen as outsiders, and those who don’t are sometimes seen as judgmental. This has caused a rift between members of the Church, and it can be difficult to bridge the gap.

Polygamy has also had an impact on the Church’s teachings. The Church has had to adjust its teachings to accommodate those who practice polygamy, while still maintaining its core beliefs. This has caused some confusion among members, as they try to reconcile their beliefs with the Church’s teachings.

Finally, polygamy has had an impact on the Church’s members. Those who practice it often face discrimination and judgment from other members. This can be difficult to deal with, and it can lead to feelings of isolation and alienation.

Overall, polygamy has had a significant impact on the Church and its members. While it is not widely practiced today, it has caused a great deal of division and confusion. It has also caused members to feel isolated and judged. It is important for the Church to continue to address this issue and work to bridge the gap between those who practice polygamy and those who don’t.


In conclusion, the church does not support polygamy. The Bible does not condone it, and the church has a long history of condemning it. While some sects of Christianity may accept it, the majority of churches do not. Polygamy is not a practice that is accepted by the church, and it is not something that is encouraged.

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