Biblical Meaning of Names

Biblical Meaning of the Name Paige

The name Paige does not have a specific biblical meaning as it is not mentioned in the Bible. It is a unisex name of English origin, derived from the word “page” which originally referred to a young servant or attendant.

The Significance of the Name Paige in Biblical Context

Have you ever wondered about the meaning behind your name? Names have always held a special significance in various cultures and religions. In the Bible, names often carry deep meanings and reflect the character or destiny of the person. Today, we will explore the biblical meaning of the name Paige and its significance in a biblical context.

The name Paige is of English origin and has gained popularity in recent years. While it may not have a direct biblical origin, it is still interesting to delve into its meaning and see if we can find any connections to biblical themes.

In biblical context, the name Paige can be associated with the concept of servanthood. The word “page” originally referred to a young servant or attendant, often in a noble household. This idea of serving others is deeply rooted in the teachings of Jesus, who emphasized the importance of humility and putting others before oneself.

In the Bible, we find numerous examples of individuals who embodied the spirit of servanthood. One such example is Jesus himself, who is often referred to as the “Servant King.” He came not to be served, but to serve and give his life as a ransom for many. Jesus’ selfless act of sacrifice exemplifies the true meaning of servanthood.

Another biblical figure associated with servanthood is the apostle Paul. Despite his influential role in spreading the gospel, Paul referred to himself as a servant of Christ. He saw his mission as serving God and others, rather than seeking personal glory or recognition.

The name Paige can also be linked to the biblical concept of stewardship. In the Bible, stewardship refers to the responsible management and care of resources entrusted to us by God. This includes not only material possessions but also our time, talents, and relationships.

As a steward, one is called to use these resources wisely and for the benefit of others. This aligns with the idea of servanthood, as both involve a selfless attitude and a willingness to put the needs of others before our own.

In the biblical context, the name Paige can serve as a reminder of the importance of humility, servanthood, and stewardship. It encourages us to adopt a mindset of selflessness and to use our gifts and resources for the betterment of others.

While the name Paige may not have a direct biblical origin, its meaning and associations can still hold deep spiritual significance. It serves as a reminder of the values and principles that are central to the Christian faith.

So, if your name is Paige, embrace the biblical meaning behind it. Let it inspire you to live a life of service, humility, and responsible stewardship. May it serve as a constant reminder of the example set by Jesus and the call to follow in his footsteps.

In conclusion, the name Paige may not have a direct biblical origin, but its meaning and associations can still hold great significance in a biblical context. It reminds us of the importance of servanthood and stewardship, encouraging us to live a life of selflessness and responsible management of our resources. So, if your name is Paige, embrace its biblical meaning and let it guide you in your journey of faith.

Exploring the Biblical Origins of the Name Paige

Biblical Meaning of the Name Paige
Have you ever wondered about the meaning behind your name? Names have a way of shaping our identity and giving us a sense of who we are. One name that has a rich biblical history is Paige. In this article, we will explore the biblical origins of the name Paige and uncover its deeper meaning.

The name Paige is derived from the Greek word “paidion,” which means “child.” In the Bible, children are often seen as a symbol of innocence and purity. They are seen as a gift from God and are highly valued in biblical times. The name Paige, therefore, carries with it a sense of youthfulness and purity.

In addition to its Greek roots, the name Paige also has connections to the Hebrew language. In Hebrew, the name Paige is associated with the word “peleg,” which means “division” or “channel.” This biblical connection adds another layer of meaning to the name Paige.

In the Bible, the concept of division is often used to represent a separation or distinction. It can refer to the separation of light from darkness, good from evil, or believers from non-believers. The name Paige, with its association to division, can be seen as a reminder to stay true to one’s beliefs and to stand apart from the crowd.

Furthermore, the name Paige can also be linked to the biblical story of Jacob and Esau. In this story, Jacob and Esau were twin brothers who were divided from birth. Jacob, whose name means “heel grabber” or “supplanter,” tricked his brother Esau out of his birthright and blessing. This division between the brothers led to a lifelong conflict.

The name Paige, with its connection to division, can serve as a reminder of the importance of unity and reconciliation. It encourages individuals to seek peace and harmony in their relationships, rather than allowing division to drive them apart.

Overall, the biblical meaning of the name Paige is one of youthfulness, purity, division, and reconciliation. It carries with it a sense of innocence and reminds individuals to stay true to their beliefs. It also serves as a reminder to seek unity and reconciliation in relationships, rather than allowing division to drive a wedge between people.

So, the next time you introduce yourself as Paige, remember the rich biblical history behind your name. Embrace the qualities it represents and strive to live a life that reflects its deeper meaning.

Understanding the Symbolism of the Name Paige in the Bible

Have you ever wondered about the meaning behind your name? Names have always held a special significance in various cultures and religions. In the Bible, names often carry deep symbolism and can provide insight into a person’s character or destiny. One such name is Paige, which has an interesting biblical meaning that may surprise you.

The name Paige is derived from the Latin word “pagus,” which means “servant” or “page.” In the Bible, the concept of servanthood is highly regarded and is often associated with humility and obedience. Many biblical figures, such as Moses and David, were known for their servant hearts and their willingness to follow God’s commands.

When we delve deeper into the biblical meaning of the name Paige, we find that it embodies the qualities of a faithful servant. A servant is someone who puts the needs of others before their own, who is willing to serve and assist without seeking recognition or reward. This selflessness is a fundamental aspect of the Christian faith, as Jesus himself said, “For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve” (Mark 10:45).

The name Paige also carries a sense of responsibility and duty. In biblical times, a page was a young servant who served in the household of a noble or a king. They were entrusted with important tasks and were expected to carry them out with diligence and loyalty. Similarly, those who bear the name Paige are often seen as reliable and dependable individuals who take their responsibilities seriously.

Furthermore, the name Paige can be associated with the idea of being a messenger. In ancient times, pages were often tasked with delivering important messages or announcements. They were the intermediaries between different parties, ensuring that communication flowed smoothly. In a spiritual sense, those with the name Paige may have a calling to be messengers of God’s love and truth, sharing His message with others and bridging the gap between heaven and earth.

It is important to note that the biblical meaning of a name does not determine a person’s destiny or character. However, it can serve as a reminder of the values and qualities that we can strive to embody in our own lives. The name Paige, with its connotations of servanthood, responsibility, and being a messenger, can inspire us to live a life of humility, integrity, and purpose.

In conclusion, the name Paige holds a rich biblical meaning that reflects the qualities of a faithful servant. It reminds us of the importance of selflessness, responsibility, and being a messenger of God’s love. Whether you bear the name Paige or know someone who does, may this understanding of its biblical significance serve as a source of inspiration and encouragement in your journey of faith.

Unveiling the Spiritual Meaning of the Name Paige in Scripture

Have you ever wondered about the spiritual meaning behind your name? Names hold a significant place in our lives, as they are not just labels but also carry a deeper meaning. In this article, we will explore the biblical meaning of the name Paige and uncover its spiritual significance in scripture.

The name Paige is of English origin and has gained popularity in recent years. While it may seem like a modern name, its roots can be traced back to biblical times. In the Bible, names often hold great significance and are chosen with care. They can reflect a person’s character, destiny, or even their relationship with God.

When we delve into the biblical meaning of the name Paige, we find that it is closely associated with the concept of servanthood. The word “page” originally referred to a young servant or attendant, someone who served a higher authority. This idea of servitude is deeply rooted in the Bible, where we are called to serve God and others with humility and love.

In the New Testament, Jesus himself exemplified the true meaning of servanthood. He washed the feet of his disciples, showing that even the Son of God came not to be served, but to serve. This act of humility and selflessness is a powerful reminder of the importance of serving others in our own lives.

For those named Paige, this biblical meaning can serve as a guiding principle. It reminds us to approach life with a servant’s heart, always seeking opportunities to help and support those around us. Whether it be through acts of kindness, volunteering, or simply being there for someone in need, embracing the name Paige means embracing a life of service.

Furthermore, the name Paige can also be associated with the concept of faithfulness. In the Bible, we see numerous examples of individuals who remained faithful to God despite facing trials and tribulations. Their unwavering commitment to their beliefs serves as an inspiration for all of us.

As a person named Paige, you are called to be faithful in your relationship with God and in your interactions with others. This means staying true to your values and convictions, even when faced with challenges or temptations. It means being a person of integrity and honor, someone who can be relied upon and trusted.

In conclusion, the biblical meaning of the name Paige reveals a beautiful message of servanthood and faithfulness. It reminds us of the importance of serving others with humility and love, just as Jesus did. It also calls us to remain faithful to our beliefs and values, even in the face of adversity.

So, if you bear the name Paige, embrace its spiritual significance and let it guide you in your journey of faith. Seek opportunities to serve others and be a source of support and encouragement. Stay faithful to your convictions and let your actions reflect the love of God. Remember, your name is not just a label, but a reminder of the person you are called to be.


The name Paige does not have a specific biblical meaning as it is of English origin and does not appear in the Bible.

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