Can A Christian Watch Movies While Fasting?

In this article, we will explore the question of whether or not it is acceptable for Christians to watch movies while fasting. We will consider the biblical perspective on this topic and offer some guidance on how to make this decision in a way that is meaningful and helpful for your own spiritual journey. So: Can A Christian Watch Movies While Fasting?

Can A Christian Kill In The Army?

The question of whether it is acceptable for Christians to kill in the army is a complex and highly debated topic that has been considered by theologians and believers for centuries. In this blog post, we will delve into this topic and explore the various arguments for and against allowing Christians to kill in the army.

What Makes Jesus So Special?

Everyone in the Western world has heard the name Jesus Christ at some point. Some can relate him to the Bible and others consider him to be the founder of the comic buildings. But none of these answers the question, “What makes Jesus so special?”

What Was Before God?

Our thinking is characterized by a linear progression of time. It has a beginning and an end. The Bible also reports on this. But if you think about it, at some point the following question must come: What was before God?