Everyday Questions

What does it mean if a church is evangelical free?

If a church is evangelical free, it means that it is affiliated with the Evangelical Free Church of America (EFCA), a Protestant Christian denomination. The EFCA emphasizes the authority of the Bible, the importance of personal faith in Jesus Christ, and the need for evangelism and outreach.

The History and Origins of Evangelical Free Churches

What does it mean if a church is evangelical free? To understand this, we need to delve into the history and origins of Evangelical Free Churches. These churches have a rich heritage that dates back to the 19th century.

The Evangelical Free Church movement began in Sweden in the mid-19th century. At that time, the Swedish Lutheran Church was the dominant religious institution in the country. However, a group of believers felt that the church had become too formal and ritualistic, and they longed for a more personal and vibrant faith experience.

These individuals, led by a man named Carl Olof Rosenius, sought to create a church that emphasized the authority of the Bible and the need for a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. They believed in the power of the Holy Spirit to transform lives and were passionate about sharing the gospel with others.

The movement quickly gained momentum and spread to other parts of Scandinavia, as well as to North America. In the late 19th century, Swedish immigrants brought the Evangelical Free Church movement to the United States, where it took root and flourished.

One of the defining characteristics of Evangelical Free Churches is their commitment to the authority of the Bible. These churches believe that the Bible is the inspired and infallible Word of God, and they seek to base their beliefs and practices on its teachings. They view the Bible as the ultimate authority in matters of faith and life.

Another key aspect of Evangelical Free Churches is their emphasis on personal faith and salvation through Jesus Christ. These churches believe that salvation is a gift from God, received through faith in Jesus’ death and resurrection. They encourage individuals to have a personal relationship with Jesus and to live out their faith in their daily lives.

Evangelical Free Churches also place a strong emphasis on the work of the Holy Spirit. They believe that the Holy Spirit empowers believers to live a godly life and equips them for service in the church and the world. They seek to cultivate a vibrant and dynamic spiritual life, characterized by the presence and power of the Holy Spirit.

In terms of church governance, Evangelical Free Churches are congregational in nature. This means that each local church is autonomous and self-governing, with decisions being made by the congregation as a whole. This allows for a high degree of local autonomy and flexibility in how each church operates.

Evangelical Free Churches also have a strong commitment to missions and evangelism. They believe in the Great Commission, which calls believers to go and make disciples of all nations. These churches actively support and engage in missionary work, both locally and globally, seeking to share the love and message of Jesus with those who have not yet heard.

In conclusion, being evangelical free means being part of a movement that values the authority of the Bible, emphasizes personal faith in Jesus Christ, and seeks to live out the gospel in everyday life. These churches have a rich history and heritage that spans continents and generations. They are committed to sharing the good news of Jesus and making a difference in the world. So, if you come across a church that identifies as evangelical free, you now have a better understanding of what that means.

Key Beliefs and Doctrines of Evangelical Free Churches

What does it mean if a church is evangelical free?
What does it mean if a church is evangelical free? To understand this, we need to delve into the key beliefs and doctrines of Evangelical Free Churches. These churches are known for their commitment to the Bible as the ultimate authority in matters of faith and practice. They emphasize the importance of a personal relationship with Jesus Christ and the need for salvation through faith in Him.

One of the central beliefs of Evangelical Free Churches is the doctrine of salvation by grace through faith. They believe that all people are sinners and separated from God, but through Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross, salvation is made possible. This salvation is not earned through good works or personal merit, but it is a free gift from God that can be received by faith alone.

Another key belief of Evangelical Free Churches is the authority of the Bible. They view the Bible as the inspired and infallible Word of God, without error in its original manuscripts. They believe that the Bible is the ultimate source of truth and guidance for all aspects of life. It is through the study and application of the Scriptures that believers can grow in their understanding of God’s will and purpose for their lives.

Evangelical Free Churches also emphasize the importance of evangelism and missions. They believe that it is the responsibility of every believer to share the good news of Jesus Christ with others and make disciples of all nations. This commitment to spreading the Gospel is rooted in the belief that salvation is available to all who believe, and that no one should be left without the opportunity to hear and respond to the message of salvation.

In addition to these core beliefs, Evangelical Free Churches also hold to a number of other doctrines that shape their theology and practice. They affirm the Trinity, believing in one God who exists eternally in three persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. They also believe in the deity of Jesus Christ, that He is fully God and fully man, and that He will one day return to judge the living and the dead.

Furthermore, Evangelical Free Churches emphasize the importance of the local church as a community of believers. They believe that the church is the body of Christ, called to worship, fellowship, and serve together. They value the priesthood of all believers, meaning that every believer has direct access to God and is called to serve and minister to others.

In terms of worship style, Evangelical Free Churches are known for their diversity. Some churches may have a more traditional approach, with hymns and liturgical elements, while others may have a contemporary style with modern worship songs and a more informal atmosphere. Regardless of the specific worship style, the focus is always on exalting God and engaging in heartfelt worship.

In conclusion, being an Evangelical Free Church means embracing key beliefs and doctrines that shape their theology and practice. These churches emphasize salvation by grace through faith, the authority of the Bible, evangelism and missions, and the importance of the local church. They affirm the Trinity, the deity of Jesus Christ, and the future return of Christ. With a commitment to the Bible as their ultimate authority, Evangelical Free Churches seek to live out their faith in a way that honors God and impacts the world around them.

Understanding the Worship and Practices in Evangelical Free Churches

What does it mean if a church is evangelical free? Understanding the worship and practices in evangelical free churches can help shed light on this question. Evangelical free churches are a specific denomination within Christianity that emphasizes the authority of the Bible and the need for a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. In this article, we will explore the key aspects of worship and practices in evangelical free churches.

One of the defining characteristics of evangelical free churches is their commitment to the Bible as the ultimate authority for faith and practice. These churches believe that the Bible is the inspired word of God and should guide every aspect of their lives. This means that the preaching and teaching in evangelical free churches are centered around the Bible, with pastors often delivering expository sermons that delve into the meaning and application of biblical texts.

In addition to the emphasis on the Bible, evangelical free churches also prioritize the need for a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. They believe that salvation comes through faith in Jesus alone and that individuals must personally accept Jesus as their Lord and Savior. This personal relationship with Jesus is nurtured through prayer, worship, and discipleship.

Worship in evangelical free churches is typically characterized by a blend of traditional and contemporary elements. While some churches may have a more traditional style of worship with hymns and liturgy, others may incorporate contemporary music and a more informal atmosphere. The focus, however, remains on praising and worshiping God through music, prayer, and the reading of Scripture.

Another important aspect of worship in evangelical free churches is the celebration of the sacraments. Most evangelical free churches practice two sacraments: baptism and communion. Baptism is seen as a public declaration of faith and a symbol of the believer’s identification with Christ’s death, burial, and resurrection. Communion, also known as the Lord’s Supper, is a time of remembrance and reflection on the sacrifice of Jesus Christ.

In terms of church governance, evangelical free churches are typically congregational in structure. This means that decisions regarding the church’s direction and leadership are made by the congregation as a whole. Pastors and leaders are chosen by the congregation and are accountable to them. This emphasis on congregational involvement and decision-making reflects the belief in the priesthood of all believers, where every member of the church has a role to play in the ministry and mission of the church.

Evangelical free churches also place a strong emphasis on missions and evangelism. They believe in the Great Commission, which instructs believers to go and make disciples of all nations. This often translates into active involvement in local and global missions, as well as a commitment to sharing the gospel with others.

In conclusion, understanding the worship and practices in evangelical free churches can help clarify what it means for a church to be evangelical free. These churches prioritize the authority of the Bible, the need for a personal relationship with Jesus Christ, and a blend of traditional and contemporary worship. They also practice baptism and communion, have a congregational governance structure, and emphasize missions and evangelism. By embracing these key aspects, evangelical free churches seek to live out their faith and share the love of Christ with others.

Exploring the Community and Outreach Efforts of Evangelical Free Churches

What does it mean if a church is evangelical free? Well, let’s dive into the world of Evangelical Free Churches and explore their community and outreach efforts. These churches are known for their commitment to spreading the message of the Gospel and reaching out to those in need.

Evangelical Free Churches are a denomination within Christianity that emphasizes the authority of the Bible and the need for a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. They believe in the importance of sharing the good news of salvation with others and actively engaging in outreach activities to make a positive impact on their communities.

One of the key characteristics of Evangelical Free Churches is their focus on community. These churches strive to create a welcoming and inclusive environment where people can come together to worship, learn, and grow in their faith. They believe that the church is not just a building, but a community of believers who support and encourage one another.

In terms of outreach efforts, Evangelical Free Churches are known for their commitment to serving others. They believe that faith without action is meaningless, so they actively seek opportunities to make a difference in the lives of those around them. This can take many forms, from organizing food drives for the local food bank to partnering with organizations that provide shelter for the homeless.

Evangelical Free Churches also place a strong emphasis on missions. They believe that the Gospel is meant to be shared with people from all walks of life, regardless of their background or circumstances. As a result, many Evangelical Free Churches support missionaries who are working in different parts of the world to spread the message of Jesus Christ.

In addition to their community and outreach efforts, Evangelical Free Churches also prioritize discipleship and spiritual growth. They believe that it is important for believers to continually deepen their understanding of the Bible and grow in their relationship with God. This is often done through small group studies, Sunday school classes, and other educational programs that are designed to help individuals develop a strong foundation of faith.

Another aspect of Evangelical Free Churches is their commitment to worship. These churches typically have a contemporary style of worship, with a focus on music and praise. They believe that worship is a way to express gratitude to God and connect with Him on a deeper level.

Overall, being an Evangelical Free Church means being part of a community that is passionate about sharing the love of Christ with others. These churches are committed to making a positive impact on their communities through outreach efforts, missions, discipleship, and worship. If you are looking for a church that is focused on community and actively engaged in serving others, an Evangelical Free Church may be the perfect fit for you.


If a church is evangelical free, it means that it is part of the Evangelical Free Church of America (EFCA), a denomination that emphasizes the authority of the Bible, the need for personal faith in Jesus Christ, and the importance of sharing the Gospel.

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