Biblical Meaning of Names

Biblical Meaning of the Name Mira

The name Mira has biblical origins and holds significant meaning within the context of the Bible.

The Significance of the Name Mira in the Bible

The Bible is a rich source of inspiration and guidance for many people around the world. It contains stories, teachings, and wisdom that have been passed down through generations. One aspect of the Bible that often captures people’s attention is the significance of names. Names in the Bible often carry deep meanings and can provide insight into the character and purpose of individuals. One such name is Mira.

In the Bible, the name Mira is mentioned in a few different contexts, each with its own significance. One of the most well-known references to the name Mira is found in the book of Genesis. Mira is the name of one of the daughters of Job, a man who faced immense suffering and loss but remained faithful to God. The name Mira means “admirable” or “wonderful,” which is fitting considering the strength and resilience displayed by Job and his family.

Another mention of the name Mira can be found in the book of Exodus. In this context, Mira is the name of a place rather than a person. Mira is described as a place of bitter water, where the Israelites camped after crossing the Red Sea. The bitter water of Mira symbolizes the challenges and hardships that the Israelites faced during their journey to the Promised Land. However, just as God provided a solution to the bitter water by instructing Moses to throw a piece of wood into it, He also provided for the needs of the Israelites throughout their journey.

The name Mira also appears in the New Testament, specifically in the book of Romans. In this context, Mira is mentioned as a woman who is commended by the apostle Paul for her hard work and dedication to the Lord. Paul describes Mira as someone who has been a great help to him and to many others. Her name, which means “wonderful” or “admirable,” reflects the qualities that Paul sees in her.

Overall, the name Mira carries a significant meaning in the Bible. It represents strength, resilience, and admiration. Whether it is through the story of Job and his daughter Mira, the challenges faced by the Israelites at the bitter water of Mira, or the commendation of Mira in the New Testament, the name Mira serves as a reminder of the admirable qualities that individuals can possess.

In our own lives, the name Mira can serve as an inspiration. It reminds us to remain faithful in the face of adversity, to trust in God’s provision, and to strive to be admirable in our actions and character. Just as Mira was a source of help and support to Paul and others, we too can make a positive impact on those around us by living out the qualities represented by the name Mira.

In conclusion, the name Mira holds great significance in the Bible. It represents strength, resilience, and admiration. Whether it is through the story of Job and his daughter Mira, the challenges faced by the Israelites at the bitter water of Mira, or the commendation of Mira in the New Testament, the name Mira serves as a reminder of the admirable qualities that individuals can possess. By embracing these qualities in our own lives, we can make a positive impact on those around us and find inspiration in the biblical meaning of the name Mira.

Mira: A Name with Deep Spiritual Meaning in Scripture

Biblical Meaning of the Name Mira
The name Mira is a beautiful and unique name that holds deep spiritual meaning in scripture. Derived from the Latin word “mirari,” which means “to wonder” or “to admire,” Mira is a name that evokes a sense of awe and reverence. In the Bible, names often carry significant meaning, and Mira is no exception.

One of the most notable references to the name Mira in the Bible is found in the book of Exodus. In Exodus 15:23-25, the Israelites, led by Moses, find themselves in the wilderness without water. They come across a place called Marah, but the water there is bitter and undrinkable. The people grumble and complain, but Moses cries out to the Lord, who shows him a piece of wood. Moses throws the wood into the water, and miraculously, the water becomes sweet.

This story holds great symbolism and parallels to the name Mira. Just as the bitter water was transformed into something sweet, Mira represents transformation and the ability to turn something negative into something positive. It reminds us that even in the midst of difficult circumstances, there is always hope for a better outcome.

Another biblical reference to the name Mira can be found in the book of Psalms. In Psalm 89:15, it says, “Blessed are those who have learned to acclaim you, who walk in the light of your presence, Lord.” This verse speaks of the blessings that come to those who acknowledge and praise God. Mira, with its meaning of wonder and admiration, reminds us to always be in awe of God’s presence and to give Him the praise He deserves.

Furthermore, the name Mira is also associated with the concept of miracles. In the New Testament, Jesus performed numerous miracles, demonstrating His divine power and love for humanity. These miracles included healing the sick, raising the dead, and turning water into wine. The name Mira serves as a reminder of the miraculous works of God and the faith we should have in His ability to bring about extraordinary things in our lives.

In addition to its biblical significance, the name Mira also has cultural and historical roots. It is a name that can be found in various cultures around the world, including India, Russia, and Spain. In Sanskrit, Mira means “ocean” or “sea,” symbolizing vastness and depth. In Russian, Mira means “peace,” representing tranquility and harmony. These cultural associations add richness and depth to the name, making it even more meaningful.

In conclusion, the name Mira holds deep spiritual meaning in scripture. It represents transformation, the ability to turn something negative into something positive, and the awe and admiration we should have for God. It reminds us of the miracles that God can perform in our lives and the blessings that come from acknowledging and praising Him. With its cultural and historical associations, the name Mira becomes even more significant and unique. So, if you are considering naming your child Mira, know that you are choosing a name that carries a profound spiritual and cultural heritage.

Exploring the Biblical Origins and Symbolism of the Name Mira

Have you ever wondered about the meaning behind your name? Names have a way of carrying a special significance, and understanding the biblical origins and symbolism of a name can provide a deeper understanding of its meaning. In this article, we will explore the biblical meaning of the name Mira.

The name Mira has its roots in several different cultures and languages, including Hebrew, Latin, and Slavic. In Hebrew, Mira means “bitter” or “rebellious.” This meaning can be traced back to the Old Testament, where the Israelites experienced bitterness and rebellion during their time in the wilderness. Despite its negative connotation, the name Mira can also be seen as a symbol of strength and resilience in the face of adversity.

In Latin, Mira is derived from the word “mirabilis,” which means “wonderful” or “extraordinary.” This interpretation of the name suggests a sense of awe and admiration. It implies that those who bear the name Mira possess unique qualities that set them apart from others. They are seen as remarkable individuals who inspire wonder and amazement in those around them.

In Slavic cultures, Mira is a variant of the name Miriam, which means “beloved” or “wished-for child.” This biblical connection to Miriam, the sister of Moses and Aaron, adds another layer of meaning to the name Mira. Miriam played a significant role in the Exodus story, leading the Israelite women in song and dance after their deliverance from Egypt. She is remembered as a strong and influential woman, making the name Mira a symbol of empowerment and leadership.

The biblical meaning of the name Mira encompasses both positive and negative aspects. It reflects the complexities of life and the human experience. Just as the Israelites faced bitterness and rebellion in the wilderness, we too encounter challenges and hardships. However, the name Mira also reminds us of the extraordinary and wonderful moments that make life worth living.

If you bear the name Mira, you can draw inspiration from its biblical origins and symbolism. Embrace the strength and resilience that the name represents. Use it as a reminder to persevere in the face of adversity and to find joy in the extraordinary moments of life. Let the name Mira be a source of empowerment and leadership, just as Miriam was for the Israelites.

In conclusion, the biblical meaning of the name Mira encompasses a range of emotions and experiences. It reflects both the bitter and rebellious aspects of life, as well as the wonderful and extraordinary moments. Whether you bear the name Mira or simply find it intriguing, exploring its biblical origins and symbolism can provide a deeper understanding of its meaning. Embrace the strength, resilience, and empowerment that the name represents, and let it guide you on your journey through life.

Unveiling the Biblical Truths Behind the Name Mira

Have you ever wondered about the meaning behind your name? Names have always held a special significance in cultures around the world. They can carry deep meanings and reflect the values and beliefs of a particular society. In this article, we will explore the biblical meaning of the name Mira.

In the Bible, names often have a profound significance. They can reveal something about a person’s character, their destiny, or even their relationship with God. The name Mira is no exception. Derived from the Hebrew word “marah,” which means “bitter,” Mira carries a powerful message.

In the Old Testament, we encounter the story of the Israelites’ journey through the wilderness after their liberation from Egypt. As they traveled, they faced numerous challenges and hardships. One of the most significant events during this time was when they arrived at a place called Marah. The water there was bitter and undrinkable, causing great distress among the people.

It is in this context that the name Mira gains its biblical meaning. Just as the Israelites faced bitterness and hardship at Marah, the name Mira serves as a reminder of the trials and tribulations we may encounter in life. It symbolizes the bitter moments that shape us and help us grow.

However, the story of Marah does not end with bitterness. In the Bible, we read that God instructed Moses to throw a piece of wood into the water, miraculously turning it sweet and drinkable. This act of divine intervention transformed the bitter experience into a moment of redemption and hope.

Similarly, the name Mira also carries a message of hope and transformation. It reminds us that even in the midst of our most challenging moments, there is always the potential for sweetness and renewal. It encourages us to hold onto faith and trust that God can turn our bitterness into something beautiful.

Beyond its biblical significance, the name Mira has also been associated with other positive meanings. In Latin, Mira means “wonderful” or “astonishing.” This interpretation adds another layer of depth to the name, suggesting that those who bear it have the potential to bring wonder and amazement into the lives of others.

In conclusion, the biblical meaning of the name Mira is rooted in the story of Marah, where the Israelites faced bitterness and hardship. However, just as God transformed the bitter waters into something sweet, the name Mira carries a message of hope and transformation. It reminds us that even in our most challenging moments, there is always the potential for renewal and beauty. So, if you bear the name Mira, embrace its profound significance and let it inspire you to bring wonder and amazement into the world around you.


The name Mira does not have a specific biblical meaning.

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